Where to Locate Mattresses at Low-Cost Values

mattressMost people search the store flyers for cheap mattresses. And that’s the reason why they almost always end up having a mattress that doesn’t let them sleep peacefully. And they end up regretting their decision.

When a lot of people are looking in the store flyers, that’s the time when you should look somewhere else to end up with an awesome deal that will give you years of awesome sleep.

So, here are the 5 tips and tricks that should save you a ton of money when you’re purchasing your next mattress. Here we go:

Buy from the Manufacturer

There is a reason why you hear very few people saying that they got the best deal on their mattress, that’s because they don’t see all the options they have.

Search through your local business directories and see if there are any mattress manufacturers nearby. It will still be affordable if you have to drive a couple of minutes or an hour to reach that manufacturer. Because even after all the gas cost too you will have spent lesser.

Most manufacturers will be ready to sell you their mattresses at a lower price. Most of their mattresses are rejected by the retailers simply because of small defects like visible stitching, mismatched colors, or small stains. And you can purchase these mattresses at a very low rate.

Alternatively, if you live near North Caroline furniture corridor near the High Point Hickory, you can easily save up to 70 percent off the sticker price by shopping there. This area is the home to the country’s top 5 largest mattress manufacturers, and the best part, they all have factory outlets in the area where they offer cheap mattresses.

Wholesale Stores

There are wholesale stores that offer memberships that cost around $45 to $60 for 12 months. BJ’s and Costco offer those kinds of memberships.

But the best part about these wholesalers or bulk stores, is that once you have that membership and you walk into their store and get a brand name mattress along with a box spring set for a fraction of a cost, you will already be saving hundreds of dollars on that.

So, all you have to do, is keep paying anywhere between $45 to $60 per month for 12 months because you’ve just scored a bargain.

Overstock Deals

This is one of the best ways to find the best mattress. Overstock.com is a website where there are surplus products, and mattresses are one of them. Consider them as a wholesaler who picks up a lot of products in bulk directly from the manufacturers and sells them directly to the consumers for cheap prices, thus cutting out the middle man.

You will literally be blown away by the prices that they offer. For instance, I recently searched for a mattress on this website and it a well known brand name mattress showed up at more than 50 percent off the actual retail price that was suggested by the manufacturer.

So, if you want to get a bargain, without actually having to bargain, Overstock.com is the place to go.

Also, if you still want the prices to go lower and see what you can get out of it, the best thing to do, is search for Overstock coupons to further lower the price of their products. This is the only best way to score a mattress at a fraction of the actual cost.

Mismatched Sets and Returns

You might have not noticed, but most retailers have a small section where they have clearance sales and sell products at a deep discount. You can find mattresses there at a bargain. There is one thing though. These mattresses have either been returned by the customers within 30 days of their trial period, they have small defects because of which the buyer returned, or they simply have been separated from their matching box spring.

So, if you don’t care about the box spring mattress, you can easily save hundreds of dollars by purchasing one from these sections of the retailers. All you have to do, is ask the sales person if you can browse the clearance items.

You should still make sure that you thoroughly inspect the mattress before making the final payment. You don’t want any surprises when you get home.

Lastly, make it a rule that you should never shop on the weekends.

This is because most people only get time during weekends to purchase things. And why would you try to negotiate with a sales person during a busy day when you can do the same when the sales are slow? Also, remember that most of these sales persons are paid based on commissions, so you will easily have a better chance of scoring a deal on weekdays than weekends.