Fastest & Easiest Way To Find Online Coupons

Even the billionaire’s save money, so can’t we do the same? We always want to purchase our desired products at the lowest price possible, and this is what makes us feel good about purchasing them. Online purchasing is a way to go because you can find coupons from website to further reduce the already discounted price. The traditional way of bargaining is no more a viable option because the dealers don’t give us the price that we desire.

Yes, but to take maximum advantage of those coupons, you need to know exactly where to find those discount coupons. And that’s where most people fail, because many times, these coupons don’t show up on the front pages of Google.

So How Do You Find Coupons?

1. Manufacturers
The first place you should search for is the manufacturer of that product. If the product is new, it is highly possible that the manufacturer will be publishing coupons to promote their products and increase its awareness. And once these manufacturers give out coupons, their expiry date is anywhere between 3 weeks to 3 months, and chances are that there will be a sale of that same product at your local store during that time period.

So, being patient will give you those highly discounted products, that even Black Friday sale won’t be able to give you that price.

Manufacturers tend to release those coupons through a variety of mediums. From Sunday newspapers to Internet Printables. Here are some places where you should keep an eye for those coupons:
– Magazines
– Wine Tags
– E-Coupons
– Ask the Manufacturers for discount coupons (I would suggest you register an email id specifically for coupons purposes because chances are that you will be spammed by promotional emails)
– Dedicated Coupon Website like that has some of the most reputed stores online. You can get Overstock coupons and discounts and more.

2. Online Search
There are times when we are lucky and Google throws up coupons for us. And there is no loss in trying that. If you are purchasing an Otterbox phone cover, you can search for “iPhone 6 otterbox armour online coupon”. This might look like the best and easiest way to find coupons, but 90% of the time, these coupons might be expired or you might not even get your desired results.

3. Social Media and Email
Following the websites on social media, and signing up for their email newsletters can give you the easiest and the highest possible results. Most of the time, these online stores will give you a huge discount coupon when you first sign up for their newsletter, or follow them on social media.

Also, they occasionally keep giving out discount coupons on their Facebook and Twitter handles to keep the interest of their audience. So just keeping a note of these coupons on social media, and email is the easiest way to get those discount coupons.

Once you find these coupons, the next thing you should remember, is their proper usage. Because there are different coupon usage policies in different stores that you purchase.

So How Do You Use These Coupons?

1. Read It Thoroughly
This is the most important thing, because you should know whether your coupon is active or expired. And other things like the product sizes, or the quantity on which this coupon is applicable. Some coupons have limitations, such as they can only be redeemed on 1 quantity of 1kg sugar. So if you try to redeem this coupon on 500gm sugar, you will not be able to get a discount on that.

2. Do Not Copy
This one is the most important. It is illegal to use coupons that are copied, and can also land you in prison for doing that. So make sure that you stay away from this.

3.Store Coupon Policy
Each store might have a different coupon policy. For instance, some stores might have a super savings day, every month where they offer additional discount along with those coupons. Look out for those days. Is there a Triple Coupon Day? Do they give you additional coupons on every purchase you make? How many coupons do they give, and how much discount are you getting?

There are other policies, such as if your coupon is printed from the internet, these stores might not accept that. Or if your coupon is not scanning, the cashier might not enter the coupon code manually. Also, if you are trying to use these coupons on dairy products, they might not redeem those for you. These are some of the things that you should remember before redeeming those discount coupons to use them effectively.

To conclude, I would say that you should start slow with just one store that you are most familiar with. Notice their sales cycles, and keep a track on when they release discount coupons for their products. And it is unlikely that you will ever walk out of those grocery store with a 99% savings as they show in those commercials. If you do proper research (as I explained above), you will at least get 30-60% savings on your regular trips to those stores.