The time has finally come when you are ready to propose to the lady who you would love to spend your life with. This is one of the most cherished moments in a couple’s life.
If you are confused as to how the diamond ring should be to woe your lady, worry not, we have listed the top 5 tips that will help you select and buy the perfect diamond ring. Your first move has to be perfect as you are on the commencement path to the most important journey of your life.
Budget: You have a budget in mind and getting the engagement ring in that amount of money is not very difficult. You must have heard that one should spend their four to five months salary to purchase a diamond ring for this special occasion. These sayings are simply spread by sellers who want to sell you the most expensive ring terming it as the most beautiful engagement ring. You should try never to exceed your set budget for the diamond ring. Buy what you can afford and do not listen to old sayings and rules as these are of no value.
Certified is the best: An engagement ring is supposed to be the most expensive purchase of one’s life. It is advisable to take as much time as required before finally buying one. You need to buy the diamond ring that is certified by an accredited laboratory like the American Gem Society. There are many labs that can certify diamonds, but not all labs certified diamonds are of high quality.
Diamond shape: Selecting the right diamond is the most important part when it comes to the final design of the ring. There are many shapes of diamond available and selecting one is very difficult. From pear-shaped to heart-shaped rings, the choice is huge and you can buy one quite easily. Some like oval style while some like the all-time favourite round solitaire. Just keep in mind that whatever shapes the diamond may be, it is finally secured in the diamond with clamps. It can very easily fall off.
Basic knowledge: Having some basic knowledge of the diamond can be very helpful. The price of a diamond depends on features like Carat, Clarity, Cut and Color. When you know what these features mean, the decision on which diamond to buy for your lady becomes easier.
Setting Type: There are quite a few setting types available for women with different lifestyles. For women with an active lifestyle, the flush setting is the best else you can also use the bezel setting. If you want something out of the way, then a clear-cut ring is the one to select.
Getting an engagement ring can cost you quite a fortune and with this, you will want the best in your budget. But the most important thing is that the ring should look so good that anyone passing by is bound to notice it.