Category Archives: Money Saving Guide

Lowest Prices for perfumes online

perfumesGo online for the best perfume deals:

No longer do we need to travel down to the brick and mortar store to purchase a perfume. As we all know that everything today can be purchased online and that includes perfumes too. The deals that are available in physical stores are no longer the best. Online shopping for perfumes is the most holistic approach by the consumer to get the best deals in a few clicks. The only reason for this is the discounts that are provided online these days that are not possible in the local stores. Consumers must make it a point to keep a track of prices in all stores and the discount and coupons provided. Keeping this in mind, it’s guaranteed that getting cheapest perfumes is only possible online where one can select from the widest brand available.

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Tips on Frugal Living

online-shoppingLiving frugally play a very important part in our lives today. Be it due to the economic conditions causing monetary issues or if you are collecting money for a big investment like buying a new house or car, budgeting plays an important role in all the spheres of money saving today.

A comprehensive list of some interesting ideas to save on your expenses is below:

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Are you a Savvy Online Shopper?


The usage of internet has grown to an unimaginable number the past decade. Not just doubling or quadrupling but in fact the number of websites that are online today is nearly 649 million and growing. Out of this quite a large percentage is running online commerce websites mainly falling under the category of online shopping. Today’s online shoppers have multiple options and a variety of choices, but with this there are many downfalls too. Some precaution and steps if taken by online shoppers can help them to grab the lowest priced deals online.

Research, the key to success in all ventures applies to online shopping too. Knowing the exact product or at least the category of the product that the shopper is planning to purchase can be very helpful. Secondly, he or she needs to search for the most reasonable price of the product or a range of price if the search is a category based. Many websites will display on sale banner and advertisements to lure buyers, in this case knowing an approximate price of the product helps in deciding if the on sale product is worth the advertised price or not. The best place to know the price of a product is by checking it out in a price comparison website like or Results from search engines like are also useful as they have a section that display prices of the products as a part of the results.

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Shop during February for the best TV deals

february-tv-shopping-timeIt’s the next month of 2014, another month has passed and its time to plan out the best deals in February. We have done the work for you.

The International Consumer Electronics Show 2014 is over and we did really witness some of the best technologies for the future. To name a few, was the 105 inch TV with curved screen and the Roku inbuilt into the TV.

Back to the real world and we know that for those few who want the latest will have to wait for these new technologies for some time. Apart from that most of us won’t be looking to buy a 105 inch TV as firstly the prices would be too steep and secondly it’s not the size meant for an average living room.

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Tips and Tricks on using Online Coupons


Numerous shoppers that still believe in shopping at the brick and mortar stores have used printable coupons that are easily found online. These printable coupons are used every time they shop at the grocery stores and thus save some money. Other shoppers who are more internet savvy prefer shopping online from the comfort of their homes or office and get the product delivered to their door. For these categories of shoppers, stores and manufacturers have introduced online coupons and promo codes that can be used directly on their website during checkout. Unlike the printed paper coupons, these are simple codes that are used during the final checkout and the discount is applied instantly.

Using an online coupon saves the shopper a great amount of money while they shop online. But there are still many shoppers who are not yet well versed with the concept of online coupons. They have no idea as to how to get or find them and even if they do come across one, they don’t know how to use them. In fact, finding an online coupon is very easy and the procedure is given below.

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